Emotional Affirmations

We all have habits. Some habits serve us. Other habits are desructive. How do you stop a destructive habit? Is it even possible? The answer is yes, it is possible, and today you will learn one technique how to do it.

Life Coaches and Marriage Coaches use similar techniques to help clients to suceed more in life, and create the marriage they desire. In either situation, destructive habits are often the cause of many life difficulties.

You have the power to change any habit. 

Overeating - Gone!
Porn - Gone!
Video games - Gone!
Alcohol - Gone!

If you've read content here on my blog, you know I do not believe in secrets, magic, or hidden truths. Everything we need is available for free with quality research, or paid from expert coaches and instructors.

If there were a secret... I'm going to share with you what I believe one could be. I say it might be a secret because it is something that takes serious research to discover. It's available, but it's not the easiest to find.  

What is it?

The quality of your life depends on the extent you are able to condition your mind and body.!

It's not hard to imagine someone with a conditioned body. What do you see? Perhaps you see a slender person with toned muscles looking healthy and fit.

What about a conditioned mind? You might imagine someone who is a perpetual student, curious, informed, and in control of their emotions.

What is the opposite of either of those?

Do you see the value in having a conditioned mind and body?

And yet, how often is that a topic in main stream publications or daily talk shows?

Conditioning and Discipline

According to Dictionary.com, "Condition" means to put into a fit or proper state.

Another way of thinking about it is leading a disciplined life. Discipline means activity, exercise, or a regimen that develops or improves a skill; training.

What do I often mention as a key to a happy marriage? Consistency. Consistent action. Consistent showing of love, meeting needs, communication, and respect.

Do you see how consistent action is a result of conditioning or discipline?

I do a lot of coaching where I help men quit porn.

Quitting porn is not complex and it doesn't have to be hard. Many men have a hard time with it because they are undisciplined and don't know how to condition their minds and body. Most programs to quit porn don't even address how to condition the mind or body. 

That's what I do as a coach. I help men and women condition their minds and bodies so they can lead a more successful and happy life.

You may have heard me reference a technique I teach called Subconscious Rejection. It's a technique that helps you break destructive habits and form new habits in a way that works on the very core of your being - your identity and subconscious.

When you learn techniques to condition your mind and body, you'll program your subconscious mind with new ways of thinking and behaving.

Power of the Subconscious Mind

Unless you are into the field of personal development, you may not know what the subconscious mind is exactly or how it works. ThriveGlobal has a good article about it. To summarize from the article:

"The subconscious mind is the powerful secondary system that runs everything in your life. Learning how to stimulate the communication between the conscious and the subconscious minds is a powerful tool on the way to success, happiness and riches.

The subconscious mind is a data-bank for everything, which is not in your conscious mind. It stores your beliefs, your previous experience, your memories, your skills. Everything that you have seen, done or thought is also there.

It is also your guidance system. It constantly monitors the information coming from the senses for dangers and opportunities. And it would communicate that information to the conscious mind, which you want it to communicate.

The communication between the subconscious and the conscious mind is bidirectional. Every time when you have an idea, or an emotion, a memory or an image from the past, this is the subconscious mind communicating to your conscious mind. The communication in the other way is not so trivial and is achieved using the principle of auto-suggestion.

Programming the Subconscious

There are many way to change a destructive habit. Many techniques rely on programming your subconscious mind. Some call it self-hypnosis. Anything that suggests new thoughts or behaviors to affect your identity is a form of programming the subconscious mind.

There are several characteristics of this practice.


Professional athletes are very familiar with the practice of visualization. Before throwing a pitch, pro baseball pitchers visualize where they want the ball to go. Before throwing a free-throw, pro basketball players visualize the ball going through the hoop. Before serving, pro tennis players visualize the ball hitting a precise spot on the court.

Visualization is used in business. Ask any expert ready to give a speech before a team or audience, and they'll tell you they visualize themselves giving the perfect speech and the crowd responding positively to it. John Maxwell, professional management coach, teaches managers and directors how to use visualization to build successful business teams.

Visualization is essential to programming the subconscious mind.

Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, Wayne Dyer, experts in coaching people about success in all forms of life, all teach about the need to visualize your success in whatever you do.

ALL of these individuals teach about a morning routine or ritual. Starting the day off properly is essential to a successful day. Part of every morning ritual is a visualization of the successful day, with gratitude and peace.


Strong emotions are vital to subconscious programming. Strong emotions provide an "anchor" in memory. For example, where were you on 9/11? What were you doing? Chances are, you have a very good memory of that day when the twin towers were attacked.

Ask folks who were around for the first moon landing or the day JFK was shot. Those events were huge at the time and left strong memories. What brings up strong emotions for you, happy or sad?

Strong emotions act as an anchor to what we are feeling and experiencing. Programming the subconscious requires strong emotions. What can you think of that stirs strong feelings of love, happiness, bliss, and elation? The quicker you can think of something that elicits these emotions, the better you can anchor something to your subconscious.


Motion, with emotion, is an anchoring mechanism. When I attended an Unleash the Power 4-day event by Tony Robbins, he coached us how to anchor intensely happy emotions to a simple motion. I use a rapid arm movement. Any time I need to get into a positive and mentally focused state, I use this arm motion, and instantly, I am in a better mood, mentally focused, and exhibit confidence through my physical posture.

I know it's stereotypical, but have you ever had a conversation with Italians? They are wonderfully emotional people who use hand gestures to communicate. You can see patterns in their gestures according to whether the topic is happy or sad.

Motion, when bundled with strong emotions, can be used as a tool to immediately change your mental focus and body posture. It's programming. 

Now, I'm going to put it all together and show you how to program your own subconscious mind. Get ready for a life changing instruction!

Emotional Affirmations / Incantations

You've probably heard of affirmations before, right? Well, we're not doing affirmations. Affirmations are positively phrased statements that are supposed to help us as a form or auto-suggestion. When done properly, they can work. The problem is - there is a better way to get more consistent results.

Tony Robbins calls it Incantations. I don't like that word. To me it sounds like what witches do over their bubbling pot atop of a fire. I know, weird. But when you hear me out, you'll see that what he's referring to is simply an Emotional Affirmation. In the video below, Tony explains how he uses them to program his subconscious.

In essence, it takes the best of Affirmations, and bundles in Visualizations, Emotions, and Motion, the three main characteristics of a subconscious programming technique. 

Watch this short video right now.

Do you see how he ties in visualizations, emotion, and motion into powerful statements, that when repeated over and over again, can change how you feel and act?

I use Emotional Affirmations for all aspects of my life. I repeat them several times, with strong emotions and motions. I have some that cover my business, my health, my finances, and my relationships. I do this activity every morning. 

Every morning!

Yes, consistent actions get consistent results! If you have a habit to change, guess what? Inconsistent actions, doing this a couples days here and there - WON'T WORK.

Be disciplined. Start a new habit of developing a morning routine that can change your life. You can repeat these Emotional Affirmations during the day. Do you have a commute by yourself? There's a perfect time to do these.

Creating Your Emotional Affirmations

Here are the basic instructions on how to create your emotional affirmations. Below I have some examples that you can modify to fit your needs.

  • Create the categories you want, ie Health, Habits, Finances, etc.
  • Phrase your statements in positive terms. Don't use words like no, can't, & don't.
  • Start with a short list of one or two for each category.
  • Repeat them with emotion and strong hand gestures several time every day.
  • Say them OUT LOUD!

Here are some examples.

- I now command my subconscious mind to direct me in helping as many people as possible to better their lives by my getting the strength, emotion, persuasion, humor, brevity, whatever it takes, to show the people how to change their lives right now.

- God's wealth is circulating in my life. As wealth flows to me in avalanches of abundance all my needs, desires, and goals are met instantaneously by Infinite Intelligence. I am thankful for all blessings as I am one with God and God is everything.

- I feel heroic, confident and exhilarated knowing my actions today will create momentum tomorrow and the next day.

- I am free of the fear of mistakes and failure.

- I am so happy and grateful now that I weigh ________ in excellent health with normal blood pressure, cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

- I am confidently in full control of the focus of my mind.

- I live according to high standards and actions that show respect for my family, friends, and community. I love my family and I demonstrate it every day.

- I create the life of my dreams. I feel powerful, smart, and determined to succeed in all of my endeavors. 

The key, of course is saying them out loud, with emotion, using motion, and visualizing the result of what you are saying.

This is a powerful technique. It is a tool used by many coaches. Today, it is yours. Don't delay. Create yours right now and start saying them out load and with emotion!

A Caveat!

This technique is simple and easy to do. It is also very easy NOT to do. Believe me, I know. I am guilty of not being as consistent with this as anyone. 

Things get in the way. We run out of time. We're rushed. 

Whatever the reason, the truth is there is no reason to skip this. We all have to take responsibility of our actions and make the time to do this. For me, it was getting to bed earlier so I could wake up a few minutes earlier and do this important task.

We live in a society with microwave fast demands. We want immediate results. We want to be thin but eat hamburgers, fries, and ice cream. We want a pill to solve all the problems we create with our own destructive habits. 

Maybe this isn't quite the technique you were hoping for. Maybe doing something like this every day is not what you had in mind.

All I can say is - IT WORKS. If you do it.

No pills. Just an emotional reciting of statements that takes a few minutes every day, or more if you can fit it in.

I challenge you. Create your statements and do it for 90 days. Let me know how this morning routine makes you feel about yourself. Leave me a comment below.

If You Need More Help

Emotional Affirmations is just one technique to program your subconscious. It is just one in the arsenal I use with my Subconscious Rejection, where I help men reject pornography at the subconscious level. If you need more help and want a guiding hand to help you change a destructive habit or improve your marriage, I recommend scheduling a FREE 45-minute strategy Q&A call. Please click on the button below.

About the author

Mark Jala is a certified marriage coach, researcher, and consumer advocate. Certified in Strategic Interventions, Mark bases all of his services and advice on verifiable research. With nearly 40 years of problem solving experience, Mark has developed a holistic approach to marriage coaching which provides a context and execution plan not seen in ordinary marriage services.

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