you can have the love and affection you desire with a renewed marriage.

You can feel secure with your partner again. You can have a deep connection, affection, love, and passion!

I teach the skills and strategies to help you achieve, and keep, the marriage you desire in both one-on-one sessions by phone or video AND my master course.

A Program Not Just Better, But Different!

Happy Marriage Coaching blends the best characteristics of Life Coaching, Strategic Interventions, and the best proven practices of top marriage experts. The result is a comprehensive, holistic, and sustainable approach to marriage improvement.

A Broken System Ending With Marriage Counseling / Therapy

  • Couples often get professional help only as a last resort
  • Waiting too long lowers the chances of marriage repair
  • One partner often resists counseling
  • Counselors often don't provide low cost services
  • Counselors often only provide in-office services
  • up to 38% still end in divorce
  • Counseling focuses on the past
  • Counseling focuses on problems
  • Counseling can take many years
  • Good for personality disorders
  • Good for mental health issues

happy marriage coaching programs offer an effective alternative!

Life Coaching

  • Goal focused 
  • See a positive future
  • Understand yourself better
  • Understand your partner better
  • Educational - Learn skills

Strategic Interventions

  • Gets to the root issues
  • Empowers the client
  • Works very quickly
  • Helps clients change behaviors
  • Focuses on skills and strategies

Expert Best Practices

  • Communications
  • Sex
  • Conflict management
  • Gender differences
  • Love and affection

Results to expect From Mark's Coaching Program

Individuals or couples who participate, and follow through, in Mark's Personal Marriage Coaching program experience many benefits.

Your partner will show you more and meaningful affection, in the way you desire to have affection.

Your partner will be more willing to have sex. It will be more intimate and emotional.

Intimate Conversations
Your partner will be interested in talking with you, hearing you, and connecting with you emotionally.

Your partner will show you respect and honor. They refrain from criticism. 

Honesty and Openness
Your partner will not hide anything. A new level of honesty and openness will be freely given.

Kind Words and Admiration
Your partner will say kind and admiring words to you and in front of others.

"I can help you take your marriage From where it is now, to where you want it to be.
My comprehensive and holistic approach
is much quicker than traditional marriage counseling."

Mark Jala

A Marriage in pain

There are many causes of marriage problems. Whether they are foundational, moderate, or serious challenges, some combination of the following may exist in the marriage relationship: 

  • A partner may cheat.
  • A partner may watch porn.
  • A partner may care more about themselves with little regard for the other partner.
  • Partners may criticize one another with harsh and personal attacks.
  • A partner may make selfish demands upon the other partner.
  • There is a lack of honesty and openness between the couple.
  • The couple acts independently of each other without regard for the partner.
  • A partner may develop annoying habits that angers the other partner.
  • Partners may show disrespect towards one another in private and in public.
  • Partners may have trouble talking with one another without one getting angry or defensive.

Living in a stressful Marriage

Married couple fighting

A troubled marriage is stressful. There is a hurt that goes deep down to our core and makes it hard to breathe sometimes. When boundaries are crossed, trust is lost. You don’t know if you can believe what your partner is saying. Fear grips you and makes you have doubts about the future. 

You try to make things work by giving more. You’ve given so much you don’t know if you have anything left to give.  You try to talk about the problems, but your partner doesn’t want to, perhaps even leaving the room. You often feel like a roommate with your partner instead of a spouse. 

Meet Your Coach

Mark Jala

Hello, my name is Mark Jala. I’m a certified coach in Strategic Interventions. I help couples create the marriage they desire. I blend the best features of life coaching, Strategic Interventions, and the best practices of top marriage experts into a results-oriented coaching experience like no other.

I developed research-based coaching programs that helps couples Renew the Marriage, Reignite the Love in their marriage, and Heal Emotional Damage.

My Personal Marriage Coaching Program is different. I work with you where you are right now and help you create the marriage you desire.  My holistic approach addresses the root causes of the issues by focusing on the behaviors that help couples connect with one another.

Why Mark's coaching Program Works

Unlike the traditional approach many couples take, Mark's approach to marriage repair is based on research and techniques proven to work

  • Mark's Passion Tripod Method walks you step-by-step to re-creating the marriage you want. In 3 simple steps you can have meaningful connection and love with your partner.
  • As a certified coach in Strategic Interventions, Mark uses strategies that get to the root causes of the issues, and develop a simple step-by-step plan of action. This provides the best long-term results with a minimal chance of the problems recurring.
  • Mark takes a holistic approach to coaching. True happiness extends beyond your marriage. As you go through the coaching program, you will learn how to be happier with yourself, your partner, your friends, and in life.  
  • Mark's strategies are aided by the best practices of top marriage experts like Dr. John Gottman, Dr. John Gray, Dr. Willard Harley, Jr., Cloe Madanes, Tony Robbins, Dr. Greg Baer, Dr. Emmerson Eggerichs, Dr. Gary Chapman, and more.
Happy Marriage Coaching

how Mark's Coaching Program Works
- his passion tripod method

Passion Tripod Methos

Mark's Passion Tripod Method was developed after extensive research into both what is proven to work and avoid what has failed for so long. It is a simple 3-step process Mark walks clients through in developing the marriage they truly desire. It takes all 3 for the marriage to stand strong.

  1. 1
    Rebuild a Solid Marriage Foundation - ALL marriage issues are rooted in a weakened or broken marriage foundation. The foundation consists of meeting each other's 13 Personal Needs, developing the skills of Emotional Intelligence, and repairing the unique marriage friendship.
  2. 2
    Practice What Works - It isn't rocket science, but it does take special knowledge, and consistent practice. Mark coaches both what to do and what to avoid. 
  3. 3
    Create a Sustainable Marriage - A happy and long-term marriage has to deal with future problems and issues the couple may not even be aware of yet. Learn and practice the principles of enduring love, affection, and passion.

You Also Get the Reignite the love master course

When you sign-up for the 9 coaching sessions bundle, it also comes with Mark's Reignite the Love (RTL) master course. RTL is a comprehensive 7-week program that is strong enough by itself to replace one-on-one coaching. However, when bundled with coaching sessions, you get these added benefits:

  • Mark personally guides you through the Passion Tripod Method, walking you through the course as you discover the root causes of your marriage issues
  • Develop your customized set of marriage enriching rituals and habits
  • One-on-one coaching to help you navigate communications, conflict management, and even future issues

When bundled with personal coaching, you get the highest level of coaching education, attention, and direct application of the lessons to your marriage. 

Reignite the Love

How to Start the Coaching program

How much coaching a couple needs depends on the situation. There is no "one size fits all."

In general, Mark has found that couples with foundational to moderate problems can be best served with 9 coaching sessions.

Those with moderate to severe marriage problems can be best served with and additional 5 or 10 coaching sessions.

Mark's Personal Coaching program is flexible. Every session is designed to meet your needs where you are right now. Mark's job as the coach is to pick up on those needs and get to the root of the challenges. This is why his coaching sessions are 1-hour long to assure adequate time.

By the end of the coaching, you will have what you need to create the marriage you desire! 

Mark works with both partners together, or one partner working solo to better the marriage.

Coaching sessions are available as individual sessions, a package of 9 coaching sessions, or bundles of 5 additional sessions. Mark recommends weekly sessions. Coaching sessions are 1-hour long and conducted over the phone or with Teams video.

>>  It all starts with an introductory 1-hour coaching experience.  <<

You Can Have an Awesome Marriage

Given how things are right now, it might be hard to imagine being happy. You are here now on this page looking for answers. You want things to change and I believe you are willing to take the necessary actions to make it happen. 

I honor you for your efforts. Acknowledging a stressful marriage is not easy, but you did it. You have done something those still in denial have not been able to do. 

I want to help you. My Personal Marriage Coaching program may be what you are looking for. It offers a personal touch, guidance, instruction, and motivation, all done through the website and by Teams video or phone calls. It is the quickest and most effective coaching program available for couples with foundational to severe issues.

Married Couple


Does this program require both husband and wife to participate?

Is this a Christian or faith-based program?

Is the coaching program costly?

Do we have to do this program in consecutive weeks?

Do you guarantee the program will work?

Can I quit/get my money back?

Book Your Initial Coaching Call Today
Just $45

Your time is valuable. Some service providers may offer a free strategy session. They spend the first few minutes listening to each partner. They provide some common marriage tips for the next few minutes. Then they spend up to half of the session doing a hard sell to get you to buy an expensive package.

I don't do that.

I charge a small fee for the 1st session because I provide tremendous VALUE from the very beginning. By the end of the introductory coaching call, you'll have well-defined action steps, and several "sparks" to help you make decisions regarding your marriage. Should you decide to book additional calls, you will be able to do so using the links below.

Here is what happens when you book your call right now:

  • Start by taking a comprehensive appraisal. If both partners will be on the call, EACH partner needs to complete the appraisal. 
  • Schedule your 1-hour coaching call. 
  • Receive expert marriage coaching with actionable steps to take afterwards. 

Coaching Packages

(After the Introductory Session)

Individual  Session

9 Session package

5 Additional Sessions

1 Payment

1 Payment
$1,125 Total ($125 ea Session)
Includes Reignite the Love Master Course
(Sold for $495)

1 Payment
$500 Total ($100 ea Session)


2 Payments
1 Payment Now, 1 Payment in 30 days 

$670 ea.
