Learn How To Resolve Money Issues In Your Marriage
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“Money issues cannot be resolved by just looking at the money side of things. Money issues can ONLY be resolved by addressing BOTH the finances and the marriage relationship, at the same time.”
Mark Jala - Founder and Certified Marriage Coach
Be in Control of Your Money
4 Money and 4 Relationship Strategies
A holistic approach assembles the best advice from top experts. Conquer guilt, resentment, and fear. Create a marriage full of love, respect, and emotional connection.
Step-by-Step Instructions
Anyone can follow the easy instructions to implement the 8 strategies. Read the strategies and action plans first, and then follow the recommended step-by-step instructions for the 30, 60, and 90-day plans.
30, 60, 90-Day Plans
It doesn't have to be difficult. I developed these strategies, based on top experts, so that you can start to see results quickly, creating the habits for a lifetime of financial and marriage success.
5 Money Myths Debunked
Having the wrong information about money can hand-cuff you to living paycheck to paycheck and loaded with debt. Free yourself from money myths that are costing you money and happy relationships.
Just $19.00